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Knowledge base / Vlog / How to generate Vimeo Client ID and Client Secret token key for Video Importer WordPress plugin

How to generate Vimeo Client ID and Client Secret token key for Video Importer WordPress plugin

Here is a quick step-by-step guide to generate Vimeo ID and Secret token key and use it with Video Importer WordPress plugin. Also, you can use this tutorial for any other project which requires Vimeo keys on a WordPress website.

Step 1: Create a Vimeo App

Once you are logged in to your Vimeo account, visit and click Create App button as shown in the image below.

Fill the form as shown in the image below. Basically, you can put anything you want in the fields, this is just an example.

Step 2: Find and copy Vimeo Client ID and Client Secret

After your Vimeo App is created, navigate to Authentication tab and you will see your Client ID and Client Secret tokens.

That’s it! Now you just need to copy/paste Vimeo tokens to Video Importer Settings in your WordPress website admin panel and save changes. Vimeo video importing should work like charm right after.

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