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What is the Gutenberg Editor and how we can use it

What is the Gutenberg Editor and how we can use it


WCEU just ended and while we’re summarizing the impressions, we wanted to share with you the news about the Gutenberg Editor and how to use it.

For all of those who might not now about it, the Gutenberg Editor is – as Matt Mullenweg states – “the fruits of their first main focus for the year“, a new and improved content editor which will bring  much more quality in writing and editing through WordPress.

“The editor will endeavor to create a new page and post building experience that makes writing rich posts effortless, and has “blocks” to make it easy what today might take shortcodes, custom HTML, or “mystery meat” embed discovery.”

Mat Mullenweg

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Unlike basic content editor, the Gutenberg Editor is made as a plugin and in the first hour from mentioning at the #WCEU was downloaded more than 100 times!

The Gutenberg Editor

The way you use it is through dynamic blocks that do everything: from formatting text, inserting images and video content, there’s even a button block editor which enables you to make buttons without any HTML knowledge.

The Gutenberg Editor is new, fresh, different and very flexible block based editor that works the same way on mobile, too, because – you know – in today’s environment, you just can’t have the luxury of making stuff not working on mobile.

The purpose of building this type of editor is to show the future of customization, the blocks in this editor are replacing widgets and soon, everything will be replaced by dynamic blocks for better user experience.

The Gutenberg Editor is free to use, you can download it directly from the plugins area on your WordPress dashboard. It’s still in the early development phase, so if you want to contribute and make it even better – you can do it on this link and/or on the #editor tag on the blog. Try it out and let us know what you think of it.


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Ivana Cirkovic

Ivana is a Digital Marketing, PR and Social Media consultant with over nine years experience in the field. She is also a WordPress enthusiast and an active member of WordPress community who lives online almost 24/7. In love with Twitter, WP, photography and NYC.

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