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Knowledge base / Voice / How to switch the styling of the Voice Theme

How to switch the styling of the Voice Theme

You have been using the Voice theme for years, but now the time has come to upgrade it’s style to a new modern version of Voice theme. You can do this in a few steps:

Please note that this will overwrite all existing option values –  please proceed with caution or contact support!

  1. Make sure that you have the latest version of the Voice theme (2.9.4) and Redux Framework plugin installed on your site
  2. Go to Theme Options -> Import / Export
  3. In the root installation of Voice theme (zip file from ThemeForest), you should look for the following path voice/inc/demo/demo-new and look for options.json
  4. Open options.json file with a text editor and copy its content to Theme Options -> Import / Export / Import from file filed
  5. Click save

Please note that this will import only Theme Options.

Please note that this will overwrite all existing option values –  please proceed with caution or contact support!

If you want to roll-back the Voice Classic look all you need to do is to click on Reset All button in Theme Options – then you will have the fresh start and Classic look of the theme.

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